
Click here for more information on products to support a Compromised Barrier.

The skin barrier serves an important role in protecting us from toxins, bacteria, infection, and other DNA-damaging elements. Today, however, compromised barrier is more prevalent than ever before as a result of our environment, overuse of skin care products with harsh ingredients, medications, autoimmune diseases, and even aggressive professional treatments.

What happens when the barrier becomes compromised? There are a number of challenges that may arise including increased dryness and irritations, susceptibility to bacteria, and even more serious issues like rosacea and acne. With the prevalence of compromised barrier, we’ve made this skin concern a priority with our new Compromised Barrier Repair (CBR) line, which incorporates ingredients that focus on strengthening, rebuilding, and restoring the skin.

With the right combination of ingredients, professional treatments and proper home care, resuscitating the skin is well within reach

Working with compromised barriers starts by addressing the underlying issues that may be causing or exacerbating the issue. The next step when working with compromised barriers is a simple home care routine focusing on healing, strengthening and hydrating the skin.

Read more about 10 Ingredients to Resuscitate Compromised Barrier